
14. September 2018

Impressions of the EOQ Congress 2018

The 62. EOQ Congress was held in Paris on 21st and 22nd of July 2018. Several hundred participants attended the annual European meeting point of the high-class experts. It was organised by the EOQ member France Qualité (AFQP) and serves as a platform for the exchange of subjects, ideas, opinions as well as for networking all around the topics quality and management.

As a central networking platform the congress is supported by all EOQ partners. The DGQ was represented by general manager Claudia Welker and Thomas Votsmeier. Thomas Votsmeier read a paper to the subject “EOQ engagement in conformity assessment, accreditation and personnel certification business” in his function as a manager of the EOQ Technical Working Group.

Beside the exchange of subjects and positions, the congress is also a frame for exploring cooperation – in Europe as well as internationally. Famous representatives of the high-class organisations from America, China, India and various other countries are present and engaged actively as network partners for many years.

In in 2019 the EOQ Congress takes place on the 23rd and 24th October in Lisbon.

To get an impression of the event watch the following video: