Committee work

The DGQ contributes to the subject-specific development of standards and to the strategic decisions and topics for standards in the quality infrastructure
As a primary task the DGQ has continuously supported international standard development for decades. In this manner the DGQ contributes to the subject-specific development of standards and to the strategic decisions and topics for standards in the quality infrastructure – including system and personal certification. The focus is on the benefit for organisations and persons that are affected by standards or use them.
The DGQ regularly informs customers, members and interested parties about current developments in standardisation. Members have the possibility to actively contribute to the standardisation work, for example by statement procedures.
National standardisation work
Primarily the DGQ is involved in the German Institute for Standardization (DIN) in the standardisation committee 147 Quality management, statistics and basics of certification (NQSZ), the standardisation committee Organisational processes and the standardisation committee 172 Basics of environmental protection.
Furthermore the DGQ representatives are present in different consulting and superior bodies of the DIN, as for example the German Conformity Assessment Council or the advisory council for the standardisation committee 147.
Focal points are management system standards as the standard families ISO 9000, ISO 14000 as well as the different specific quality and management standardisation topics. As the world of standards develops continuously, the contents and the number of the relevant standards shift naturally.
During recent years priorities have been the key standard families ISO 9000 and ISO 14000, ISO 19011 as well as the standard family ISO 17000.
International standardisation work
Internationally DGQ representatives are also active in meetings of ISO committees. In recent years they worked in committees at ISO TC 176, TC 207, PC 302 and CASCO. Here the DGQ takes the advantage of the opportunity to work as representative of the DIN as well as the European Organization for Quality (EOQ). The EOQ has an accepted status as an A-liaison member in different ISO and CASCO committees.
Accreditation and certification systems
The DGQ is involved in the preparation and updating of both national and international accreditation rules (AKB, DAkkS, EA, IAF) and is member in umbrella organisations of certification bodies (VAZ, EOQ PRU, International Personnel Certification Association IPC). It contributes to the development of strategies, regulation procedures as well as the development of and agreement on certification programmes for persons (EOQ, IPC Certification Schemes).
It is represented in the executive board and in the working groups of the International Personnel Certification Association IPC, which is – as well as the EOQ – a member of the IAF.
The International Accreditation Forum IAF develops rules and defines framework conditions for the conformity assessment of management systems, products and persons.
The conformity assessment of management systems on the basis of internationally accepted standards of ISO and IAF are business areas of the DQS (certification of management systems) and the DGQ (certification of persons).
IPC auditor certification programme accepted worldwide
The DGQ has been active in the International Personnel Certification Association (IPC) for many years. Recently the focus has been on the development of a system for the acceptance of personal certificates under a Multi Lateral Agreement (MLA) of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF). In 2017 the IAF accepted the IPC Auditor Certification Programme after many years of consultation. This was the first confirmation of a certification programme for persons by the IAF worldwide. With its engagement the DGQ supported this process intensively. The DGQ Auditor Certification for Auditors and Lead Auditors Quality is compatible with the international requirements of IPC and IAF.