
14. July 2020

IPC publishes 2019 liaison report

The 2019 liaison report of the International Personnel Certification Association (IPC) has been published. In addition to the activities of the year, the report also deals with the goals set for 2020 and their implementation.

The IPC was originally founded in 1995 under the name International Auditor and Training Certification Association (IATCA). It has set itself the task of drafting standards for internationally valid (personnel) certifications and implementing them.

The DGQ is a member of the IPC and is represented on the board of directors.

The IPC was able to complete various projects in 2019. A new IPC scheme for the certification of inclusion professionals and further specifications of known drafts were presented. The (personnel) certification schemes designed by IPC will be further adapted in the future in accordance with ISO/IEC 17024. In order to best achieve the goals set, IPC continues to rely on international cooperation. For example, the company extended its membership and cooperation with the International Accreditation Forum (IAF). This is intended to strengthen the IPC’s global presence.

IPC Report 2019