
15. May 2020

Belgian Sister Organisation acquires DGQ contribution for their member webinar

The Flemish Quality Association, VCK, invited the DGQ to present its current focus issue Digitalisation in QM & QA in one of their member webinars in April 2020. Benedikt Sommerhoff immediately agreed to contribute to the Flemish quality community, being asked by VCK’s  CEO, An Kint.

An knows the DGQ’s Innovation Manager for quite some time now and already allured him twice for keynotes on the VCK Quality Congress. He himself willingly agreed to proceed the international exchange on trends, recent situation and on further development of Quality Assurance and Quality Management.

The webinar reached some 40 people. Benedikt gave a summary on fundamental aspects of Digitalisation which lead to a fruitful discussion.

Watch the recordings now: