Expert groups

Participants in expert groups develop real-world solutions for the DGQ community.
In the 10 expert groups of the DGQ practitioner and experts come together to introduce, discuss and process a specific question from their practice. The participants in these expert groups develop together real-world solutions which are made available to the DGQ community. A majority of the expert groups consequently pursues an agile operating procedure. Elements from Scrum as well as innovative methods as Design Thinking are used to get results and solutions fast.
The team Community Management is responsible for the supervision of the expert groups in the DGQ. The innovation management is also closely involved. It continuously works in many expert groups of the DGQ. There is also an exchange between regional and expert groups. Contents, topics and lecturers from expert groups are also included in events of regional groups. Some members got to know the DGQ via an event of a regional group and are active in an expert group today.
This close network is also the basis for recognising and setting annual topics which are in the focus of the complete DGQ network. Thus, innovative approaches to important current questions may be developed under a holistic perspective.